Nicki Minaj is known to be brash and at times even pop her lid a few times, but never has she gotten out of control and went off at her fans as she recently did on Twitter.
After announcing that she would not be able to attend several concerts in Dublin, the UK, and Ireland due to strained vocal cords, Nicki got some rather undesirable feedback from the people who actually put money in her pocket.
Most of her International fans were upset with Nicki Minaj and decided to tweet their opinions, however it seems that Nicki has let the fame go to her head as she went off on several fans with some rather harsh comments.
Here are a few of her tweets:
I will NOT let you people make me feel horrible for a f*cking HEALTH issue! That’s what got me in this mess! I shldve listened 2 the doctor!
I am so thankful to my true fans who understand WHY I couldn’t play #VFestival & WHY I can’t play Dublin. Absolutely gutted However, if u have anything negative to say to me, please #EatSh*tAndDie – I am human. I was in jeopardy of losing my voice entirely and needing surgery on my vocal chord. If u can’t understand that, your mother’s a WHORE!!!!
I will NOT let you people make me feel horrible for a f*cking HEALTH issue! That’s what got me in this mess! I shldve listened 2 the doctor! Like people are hitting me telling me I shldve mimed. No! Then you woulda made a f*cking STORY out of that too! #killyaf*ckingself
My beloved United Kingdom, u know how much I f*cking love u! Ireland, I truly appreciate you. Barbz, thnku for the well wishes. All you do is rip people apart and when they’re dead & gone u won’t lose a wink of sleep. #goF*ckYourselves
At this point I just have to say that I am disgusted with the fact that she went off on several fans especially since these are her said “Barbz.” I mean realistically they are the reason you have a career, without any fans to support you then you would not have any type of money for endorsements, album sales, and concerts.
I can truly say that I was never a real fan of Nicki, but I respected her craft in the way she made music, however after this distasteful showing I have to say she is yesterday’s news. I mean even if you are displeased with some of the comments why are you going to dog your supporters on Twitter?
And she is supposed to be a judge on American Idol? I think I’d much rather listen to Donald Trump, while he gives her the boot!!!
One thing I will say though is that this is the first time I hear of a hip hop beef that is between an artist and her fans! When it comes to this you know something is wrong.