March 8, 2025


About, was established in April 2012, Hip Hop First Class is climbing the ladder to become one of the hottest hip-hop entertainment media networks online, providing up-to-minute breaking news and exclusive stories and interviews from around the world. is updated daily with quality content and news from the world of hip-hop straight to you, First Class.

We do not limit our audience to only Hip Hop, as we’ve also come to appreciate the art of K-Pop which is quickly gaining momentum and bringing forth a new array of artists and fans that make for a great experience to the world of music.

Our news expands from Japan, Canada, UK, Korea, United States and more. News is updated on a constant basis.

We also bring you constant updates on the world of sports so that you can rest assured that you’ll be one step ahead of everyone else.

We’re delivering the freshest news, that matters in the world of music.

This policy is valid from 1 August 2012
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