March 9, 2025


  1. This movie trailer was tense. What will he do??? What would I do in his boots??? Can’t wait to see this movie to see what happens. Thanks for the Chance. 🙂

  2. From what I saw he has an important decision to make, either shoot at the target or let him go. Who does he save as he sees his life flash before his eyes? It appears that he regrets his decision as it haunts him after he returns home. This is a cliffhanger that draws a lot of suspense. Can’t wait to see it.

  3. I love Bradley Cooper & boy is the preview a real cliffhanger to how good this could be. I thinks Clint Eastwood will hit it out of the ballpark with this movie. It is on my to see list & not many of those these days

  4. I thought the trailer is awesome! It’s definitely a baited teaser..just leaves you hanging at the end! But that’s a good thing, cuz it just makes me want to see it that much more! Great move on the marketing team!

  5. Oh man this trailor makes me want to go see the movie for sure. My husband and I love going to the movies when we can. The trailor sure looks like one we would want to go to see.

  6. The trailer gave me chills!! It makes one appreciate the split second decisions that those on the front lines have to make. Can’t wait for the movie to open.

  7. This trailer is super suspenseful. Really puts things in perspective. All about the quick decisions. Can’t wait till it opens.

  8. Very intense trailer, what will he do. Being a sniper has to be hardest job in military. You have to make decisions that will be very tough to deal with emotionally & psychologically but could cost your fellow soldiers lives if you can’t make the right choice.

  9. I thought the trailer left me craving for more. It was full of suspense and intense and I cannot wait till I see this movie.

  10. Not only was the trailer super intense but it also left us asking what decision will he make?! I can’t wait to see this movie, I have been super excited ever since the first time I seen the previews! I have to say B. Cooper was the perfect choice for this role!

  11. Trailer really sucked you into the movie then leaves you hanging so you have to go see it. Shot almost documentary style. Puts you in the mind of the sniper when the decision has to be made to pull the trigger. Wow

  12. That trailer is crazy. Really sucks you and leaves you hanging for more. Really puts you there. Can’t wait to see. Should win some awards!

  13. This movie looks AMAZING! So nail biting, thrilling, and heart warming all in one. One man trying to be a good solider, husband and daddy..torn by the evils of war…I cant wait to see, especially after this trailer!!!

  14. I thought the trailer was amazing! kind of made me teary eyed. I can’t wait to see what happens in the movie.

  15. Wow that’s a tough one! I don’t know what I’d do. I have too much of a conscience. That’s why they always want people who are great marksmen and have no conscience to be snipers.

  16. The trailer was very intense and made me want to see the rest of the movie. It also left me wondering about the rest of the plot…how much is his family in the movie?

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