Stephen Nnamdi
The world was shocked once again over last Thursday’s events in Dallas. The death of Alton Sterling by the hands of 2 white police officers has sparked huge protests across the country. Even though officials promised transparent investigations and punishment to those responsible for the murder of Sterling, those promises were not enough for the majority of the US population protesting across different cities. One of those protests was organised in the heart of Dallas on July 7th. During the Black Lives Matter march, 5 officers were killed and 6 were injured by Micah Johnson, a 25 year old who was determined to kill white police officers.
Here is how celebrities, politicians and other famous people reacted to the tragedy.
Let’s start with TV host Andy Cohen. Take a moment and read words of Martin Luther King Jr. before proceeding.
As a big part of our society, and inspirations to many people worldwide, famous musicians were making their claims as well.
These Dallas shootings are horrific. Killing these officers is morally reprehensible and completely counterproductive to keeping us safe.
— John Legend (@johnlegend) July 8, 2016
May the spirit of Malcolm X be reborn… for such a time as this.
#PrayingForDallas 🙏🏼😢 #PrayingForPeace
— Demi Lovato (@ddlovato) July 8, 2016
praying for the families of the officers killed tonight in dallas. praying we stop trying to end hate with hate. only love can do that 🙏🏼
— christina perri (@christinaperri) July 8, 2016
Stick together during this divided time. Be kind&compassionate to one another. Speak positively. Invision a peaceful future. #DallasProtest
— Lady Gaga (@ladygaga) July 8, 2016
Our Canadian neighbors were devastated as well. Justin Trudeau, the Canadian Prime Minister is sending a message of solidarity.
Canadians are shocked by the cowardly attacks against police in Dallas. Our solidarity is with all victims of violence on this tragic week.
— Justin Trudeau (@JustinTrudeau) July 8, 2016
Another Canadian, Stephen Nnamdi stated the importance of being united against violence on his twitter channel
We can’t let a few bad apples divide us as a people!Our heart goes out to all the families that have lost a loved one due to violence! -sspm
— Stephen Nnamdi (@StephenNnamdi16) July 9, 2016
Stephen Nnamdi and his record production company, Sunshine Production Music, have recently released a song called Sunshine. This song was released at the right time, just when the whole world is struggling with various acts of violence, which is never the answer.
We hope that people all around the world will listen to the words of their idols and unite to fight the horrible acts and violence that unfortunately exists in our lives.