Justin Bieber is said to be a lover, but evidently he is also a fan of money and boxing. When you put those together you get the Team Mayweather, which Justin Bieber was more than willing to sign up for.
You have to give Floyd Mayweather Jr. credit as he really knows how to make an entrance and bring entertainment to the boxing arena.
The champ brought forth an A-list of celebrities with him during his walk to the ring against Miguel Cotto. Justin Bieber, 50 Cent ,Lil Wayne and the wrestler HHH were the top names that walked alongside Floyd Mayweather this past Saturday as he defeated Miguel Cotto for the welterweight title.
Bieber was able to hold the high honor of carrying Mayweather’s championship belts to the ring, however Mayweather has so many titles that 50 Cent also had to lend a helping hand or two and carry Mayweather’s other two title belts.
After 12 rounds of a grueling boxing and a Mayweather unanimous decision win,the A-list entourage swarmed to the ring again to celebrate with the bruised but victorious champ.
At the time Justin Bieber, who has now shed to light that he is a huge boxing fan took the time to congratulate the champ after the fight.
50 Cent and Lil Wayne also came face to face in the ring, but no punches were thrown. Instead both exchanged hugs and posed for a few pictures alongside the champ. If you are not familiar 50 Cent and Lil Wayne 50 had held beef with each other as 50 Cent went on attack against Wayne a few years back.
After the fight Mayweather also made it very clear that he wants to fight Manny Pacquia, however I really doubt that this fight will ever come to light. As we all know Bob Arum has had issues with Mayweather’s promoting camp and it is very unlikely that they will be able to come to terms and get the match situated.
Mayweather announced, “I was looking to fight Manny Pacquiao” said Floyd. “The fight didn’t happen. and I dont think the fight would happen because of Bob Arum. Bob Arum is in the way. He’s stopping the Manny Pacquiao fight. Let’s give the fans what they want. They wanna see Maywaeather and Pacquiao.”
What Mayweather failed to announce is that he wants most of the percentage from the fights winning’s, which is another reason of why the Mayweather vs Pacquiao fight won’t happen.
Mayweather has a pending three months jail sentence that he will begin on June first, for domestic violence charges.
“Im blessed” Mayweather said afte the fight. “What else can I say but i’m blessed. Mayweather Promotions, the past, the present, the future of entertainment. And when June 1st comes the only thing I can do is accept it like a true man would do.”
Photo Credit:billboard.com