Victoria’s Secret has been leading the way in women’s fashion for decades and today we’d like to share with you some First Class Exclusive photos that will give you a sneak peak of their highly anticipated summer lineup.
Victoria’s Secret recently revealed the summer 2012 lineup; it all went down at MR. C Beverly Hills poolside where beautiful women, fun in the sun and great times were all in attendance and abundance.
Always known for their very classy and sexy clothing line, Victoria’s Secret made this an event to remember!
Victoria’s Secret Angels Doutzen Kroes, Erin Heatherton, and Lindsay Ellingson were poolside to discuss the 2012 What Is Sexy? List and shared their tricks and picks for a sexy summer.
As the authority on all things sexy, Victoria’s Secret knows what’s hot for summer.
Victoria’s Secret Supermodels discussed the celebrity winners that have been named to this year’s What Is Sexy? List. Past What Is Sexy? List winners have included Sofia Vergara, Katy Perry, Rihanna, Scarlett Johansson, Cameron Diaz and more. The List names these hot stars to categories such as Sexiest Smile, Sexiest Legs, Sexiest Beach Body, Sexiest Mom and Sexiest TV Cast.
Adding even more heat to the summer temperatures, Victoria’s Secret launched the VS Knockout bra and the Victoria’s Secret Bombshell, The Summer Edition fragrance.
VS Knockout is this newest push-up without wires. This would be highly appealing to those who are looking for a small boost with added comfort. The bra includes cushioned support, a sexy balconet shape and wild colors guaranteed to turn up the temperature.
Giving a real punch to the Knockout summer look, the new scent is luscious, tropical, and bright with drops of Jasmine Dew, a spark of White Amber and a kiss of Starfruit.
For more information visit Victoria’s Secret online at Facebook.com/VictoriasSecret , follow us on Twitter @VictoriasSecret with #WhatIsSexy or visit www.VictoriasSecret.com.
Photos Courtesy of Wireimage.
It’s always good to see these ladies!!
I’m probably in the mitnoiry here, but I will not be tuning in to see what I personally consider to be soft porn disguised in a runway show for V.S. There is enough unsuitable programming on TV and elsewhere in the media-no reason for more. Why does V.S. see the need to expose women’s lingerie on national TV? We can go to the stores to buy the articles we desire without Victoria’s Secret Angels parading down the runway, just as we did before they started this campaign. I love sexy lingerie as well as the next woman-just think it’s for my husband’s eyes. Trying to understand why it’s necessary to have all these young women parade down a runway, leaving very liitle to the imagination, unless of course to give the men/young boys another way to fulfill their fantasies? The world has become so immune to overexposure in so many areas, that I’d be willing to bet that a lot of people won’t even understand where I’m coming from 🙁 I’m not prudish, just think that we could do better.Do you like this comment? 5 1